Keto German Schnitzel (Schweineschnitzel)

Our Keto German Schnitzel is easy to make and is only 2.8g of net carbs per serving! You can make Schnitzel with any type of meat. For this recipe we are using pork to make keto Schweineschnitzel. If pork isnt your thing, you can take this recipe and use it with any other type of meat such as veal, chicken or turkey. 

The Method: 

The easiest way to make this recipe is to buy your pork cutlet pre-tenderized. If not, the easiest way to do this at home is to lay the pork cutlet between two pieces of plastic wrap. Use the flat side of the meat mallet to pound the cutlet very thin, about 1/4″ thick.Once the pork is tenderized, pat dry with a kitchen towel and lightly season with salt and pepper on both sides. 

Have your bowls ready, one with the eggs and one with the almond flour mixture. Dip the cutlet in the egg mixture followed by the almond four mixture. Fry immediately! Tip, preheat the pan while you are coating the pork cutlet in the egg and almond flour mixture. 

Serve immediatelywith fresh lemon and fresh parsley.


Keto German Pork Schnitzel

Keto German Schnitzel (Schweineschnitzel)

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine German
Servings 8
Calories 405 kcal


  • 2 Lbs Boneless Pork Loin Chops About ¼-inch thick.
  • 175 Grams Almond Flour
  • 2 Large Eggs Lightly Beaten.
  • 1/2 Tsp Dried Parsley To Taste. For the Almond Flour Mixture.
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt To Taste. For the Almond Flour Mixture.
  • 1/4 Tsp Pepper To Taste. For the Almond Flour Mixture.
  • 1 Lemon Sliced, For Serving.
  • Fresh Parsley For Serving.
  • Vegtable Oil For Frying.


  • Gently pound the pork cutlets until it is about 1/4" thick or less.
  • Set up two bowls. One bowl with the eggs, lightly beaten. The second bowl with the almond flour, salt, pepper and dried parsley.
  • Pat the pork cutlets dry with a kitchen towel. Season with salt and pepper on both sides.
  • Dip the cutlet into the egg mixture followed by the almond flour mixture. Repeat with the remaining cutlets.
  • Heat a skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Fry the Schnitzel for about 2-3 minutes on both sides until a deep golden brown. Do not overcrowd the pan.
  • Transfer the Schnitzel to a plate lined with paper towels.
  • Serve immediatley with fresh parsley and slices of lemon.
  • Enjoy!


Nutrition Information (Without Oil): 
  • 228 Calories
  • 5g Carbohydrates
  • 2.2g Fiber
  • 16.9g Fat
  • 31.9g Protein
Net Carbs: 2.8g / Serving
Nutrition Information (With Oil): 
  • 408 Calories
  • 5g Carbohydrates
  • 2.2g Fiber
  • 30.9g Fat
  • 31.9g Protein
Net Carbs: 2.8g / Serving
It's difficult to determine the exact nutrition information while frying. When testing this recipe, we measured the amount of oil before and after cooking. Each time we measured approx. 1/2 cup of oil absorbed during the frying process for the entire batch. This is what is calculated in the nutrition information above. 

Let us know in the comments below if you’ve tried our Keto German Schnitzel! If you’re looking for more keto or low carb recipes, visit our recipe page!


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